Alliance française de Canberra - Courses
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Parent and Baby

Parents - Babies (for parents and babies from 6 months to 3 years old)
Give your baby the best start in life with exposure to French through songs, toys and developmental activities.

Objectives Your child will learn about:
● Expressing some key words (Bonjour, ça va…)
● Body parts (tête, épaules genoux, pieds)
● Baby toys and things used by both mummy and baby (le doudou, la tétine, le biberon, la couche…)
● Shapes (triangle, rectangle, cercle) and colours (jaune, rouge, bleu…)
● Farm animals (le cochon, la vache, le lapin…)
● Summer clothes (le tee-shirt, le short…)
● Summer fruits, veggies and baby food (la pastèque, l’abricot…)
● Summer-related vocabulary (la plage, le sable…) and activities around summer
Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks



Kids 3

Children (7 - 11 years old)
French for Intermediate children.
Allow your child's imagination to grow by learning language and culture through dynamic activities.

● To talk about their plans
● To describe photos and landscapes
● To communicate in class
● To talk about themselves
● To ask their friends questions
● To talk about a tourist site
● To orientate themselves
● To talk about a pirate ship and about pirates’ activities
● To describe someone and their personality
● To talk about what you are going to do later in life

Course prerequisite: Children 2
Textbooks: Zig Zag 3
Pace: 1.5 hours per week over 10 weeks

Kids 4

Children (7 - 11 years old)

Learn to speak, read and write French through fun activities, comic books and projects.

Pace: 1.5 hours per week over 10 weeks



Kindy 1

Kindy (5 - 7 years old)

Motivate your child to learn French through fun and engaging activities (songs, stories, illustrations and games) within a nurturing environment.

● Wave and introduce themselves
● Respond to questions such as "who is it?" and "who are you?"
● Discover and name three characters
● Count up to 3
● Respond to the question "what is this?"
● Ask "how are you?"
● Follow a short story in French
● Recognise and name six parts of the head
● Recognise and name the three primary colours
● Discover and name a new character: Gédéon

Course Prerequisite: No prior knowledge of French whatsoever
Textbooks: Les petits loustics 1 Cahier d'activités

Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks



Pre-Kindy 1

Pre-Kindy (3 - 4 years old)

Learn your first French words through songs, stories, arts and crafts and drawing.

Term 1:

- my family and I

- express likes/dislikes

- farms animals

- some sea animals

- some characterizing words to describe

- some Easter (French and Australian) animals (rabbit, fish, lamb, bilbi, etc.) and foods (veggies, chocolate, eggs, etc.)

Course Prerequisite: No prior knowledge of French whatsoever
Textbooks: No textbooks required

Pace: 1 hour


Brevet Boost

Brevet boost class tuesday after school

Before & After-School Care Program
After school brevet boost class. It will be taking place in Wesley Music Center near Telopea Park school.
Teens 1 for Beginners

Teens 1

Teens (12 - 17 years old)
Learn, develop your French skills and have fun with French through VR (virtual reality) experiences and project-based activities with sports, creativity, games and culture. Each 2-hour session will include one hour of learning and practising French and one hour of fun French through VR immersion, movies, games, sports and creative tasks. Each 2-hour session: 1 hour of French learning + 1 hour of French using VR (virtual reality), games and projects to consolidate your French spoken and interacting skills. 2024 projects themes: Term 1: Francophonie
Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks
Teens 2

Teen 2

Teens (12 - 17 years old)

Immerse yourself and develop your confidence in French through group activities and fun discussions.

● Be polite in class
● Speak about yourself and exchanging with others
● Speak about holidays indicate your itinerary
● Organise an outing
● Express frequencies and quantities
● Ask a question about quantity

Course prerequisite: Teens 1
Textbooks: Adomania 2

Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks

Teen 2

Teens (12 - 17 years old)

Immerse yourself and develop your confidence in French through group activities and fun discussions.

● Be polite in class
● Speak about yourself and exchanging with others
● Speak about holidays indicate your itinerary
● Organise an outing
● Express frequencies and quantities
● Ask a question about quantity

Course prerequisite: Teens 1
Textbooks: Adomania 2

Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks

Teens 1

Teens (12 - 17 years old)
Learn, develop your French skills and have fun with French through VR (virtual reality) experiences and project-based activities with sports, creativity, games and culture. Each 2-hour session will include one hour of learning and practising French and one hour of fun French through VR immersion, movies, games, sports and creative tasks. Each 2-hour session: 1 hour of French learning + 1 hour of French using VR (virtual reality), games and projects to consolidate your French spoken and interacting skills. 2024 projects themes: Term 1: Francophonie
Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks

Before & After-School care program

Before & After-School Care program

Afterschool Telopea in Wesley Music Center - Aide aux devoirs

Before & After-School Care Program
Homework tutoring for Telopea Park School  pupils from Kindy to Y6 in Wesley Music Center.
22 National Cct, Forrest ACT 2603 
Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks

Afterschool Telopea in Wesley Music Center - Aide aux devoirs

Before & After-School Care Program
Homework tutoring for Telopea Park School pupils from Kindy to Y6 in Wesley Music Center.
22 National Cct, Forrest ACT 2603 
Pace: 1.5 hours per week over 10 weeks
Wesley Music Center - Barton
Thursday   3:30pm ▸ 4:30pm
06 Feb 2025 ▸ 10 Apr 2025

French After-School Classes - FAPS (Group 1)

Before & After-School Care Program

Learning objectives: Expand your child's French language learning through songs, stories, and an introduction to writing.

Objectifs pédagogiques: Développez l'apprentissage de la langue française de votre enfant à travers des chansons, des histoires et une introduction à l'écriture.

Your child must be enrolled at the School to be able to join this class.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks
French Australian Preschool
Monday   4pm ▸ 5pm
03 Feb 2025 ▸ 07 Apr 2025
Only 3 spots left!

Afterschool Telopea in Wesley Music Center - Aide aux devoirs

Before & After-School Care Program
Homework tutoring for Telopea Park School  pupils from Kindy to Y6 in Wesley Music Center.
22 National Cct, Forrest ACT 2603 
Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks

Afterschool Telopea in Wesley Music Center - Aide aux devoirs

Before & After-School Care Program
Homework tutoring for Telopea Park School pupils from Kindy to Y6 in Wesley Music Center.
22 National Cct, Forrest ACT 2603 
Pace: 1.5 hours per week over 10 weeks
Wesley Music Center - Barton
Thursday   3:30pm ▸ 4:30pm
06 Feb 2025 ▸ 10 Apr 2025

French After-School Classes (Red Hill Primary School)

Before & After-School Care Program


This programme provides an introduction to French and supports their language learning.

Learning objectives:

- The children will learn French words and expressions. 

- The teacher organises various activities such as games, songs to encourage memorisation and art & craft.

- Participants discover French culture.

No pre-requisites required.

Delivered at the Red Hill Primary School. Your child must be enrolled at Red Hill Primary School.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks

French After-School Classes - FAPS (Group 1)

Before & After-School Care Program

Learning objectives: Expand your child's French language learning through songs, stories, and an introduction to writing.

Objectifs pédagogiques: Développez l'apprentissage de la langue française de votre enfant à travers des chansons, des histoires et une introduction à l'écriture.

Your child must be enrolled at the School to be able to join this class.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 10 weeks
French Australian Preschool
Monday   4pm ▸ 5pm
03 Feb 2025 ▸ 07 Apr 2025
Only 3 spots left!

Sorry, this course is sold out.

But you can be added to a waiting list in case a spot becomes available.

Code: 2025T1KIDSCLUBSAT1012

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