What the science is telling us about our warming planet
Presentation and discussion in English in a café atmosphere
Hosted by the Alliance Française de Canberra in association with the Australian-French Association for Research and Innovation (AFRAN)
Discussion led by a distinguished panel including
Prof Quentin Grafton – Crawford School of Public policy, ANU
Dr Adele Morrison – Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
Prof. Thierry Corrège - Science and Higher Education Attaché, Embassy of France
Emeritus Prof. Patrick De Deckker AM - College of Science, ANU
Prof. Leanne Armand – ANZIC Program Scientist and ANU Researcher
The Hon. Penelope Wensley AC – Chairman Reef 2050 Plan Advisory Committee and Chairman Australian Institute of Marine Science Council
5.30-7.30pm Friday 19 February
Alliance Française de Canberra, 66 McCaughey Street Turner
Numbers strictly limited due to COVID-19 restrictions
Entry $15 includes a glass of wine (Alliance and AFRAN members 15% discount)
If you are unable to join us, the café scientifique will be live-streamed on Zoom and can be viewed at