Get a taste of France - Upcoming Events

Upcoming events

Experience French culture with our events

Because French is more than a language, the Alliance Française proposes many events throughout the year to help you to live French culture.

36th Alliance Française French Film Festival

The 36th Alliance Française French Film Festival is back in Canberra from March 6th to April 9th 2025 at Palace Electric Cinema!

Discover the film selection and get your tickets from 5th February.

Tania Dutel - Stand-up comedy (performed in French)

/!\  Spectacle intégralement en français | This show will be performed entirely in French.

Mardi 20 mai à 19h30 au Street Theatre

$50 pour les membres AF | $55 pour les non-membres

Réservez dès maintenant vos places pour découvrir l'humoriste française Tania Dutel !