Café théâtre - JUNE 26TH

Café théâtre - JUNE 26TH

66 McCaughey Street

The theater company Les Théâtreux invites you to an evening of short plays and songs. There will be a delicious buffet dinner.

$25 for non AFC members. 15% discount for members.


  • Terrine de porc pistache, baguette / Porc and pistaccio terrine, baguette
  • Taboulé / Taboule
  • Gratin de courgettes tomates / Gratin zuchini and tomato
  • Moussaka authentique & moussaka béchamel / Traditional moussaka & bechamel moussaka
  • Salade mesclun / Mesclun salad
  • Gâteau au chocolat / Chocolate cake
  • Gâteau aux amandes et agrumes et sa salade d’oranges / Almond and citrus fruit cake with orange salad

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