$230.00 AUD
Approx $152.49 USD

The junior version of DELF has the same basic structure as the standard DELF. Only the topics are different: the materials take into account the interests of young people.

It can only be taken by children of secondary-level age. The diploma awarded is identical to the standard DELF diploma.

The examinations are independent, and candidates can register for the examination of their choice. Each examination evaluates the four communication skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.

A Junior Registration is MANDATORY to pass the exam. If you don't have one, you can go to this page and add it to your cart:
*Students from partner schools (Aranda, Narrabundah and Telopea Park) do not need to pay for the junior registration.

Choose B1 if you can:
- tell an event, an experience, a dream
- describe a hope, a project, a goal
- give your opinion and justify with arguments
- express feelings
- express agreement and disagreement and explain why
- understand important elements of the news (a newspapers article, an TV news extract or a radio programme extract)
- make hypothesis, give advice, make suggestions
- convince someone
- get by in an unforeseen situation that can occur in daily life, at work or on holiday
- organize a presentation or a speech in a logical and structured manner

Official exam samples - B1 Junior